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IIEP celebrated its 50th Anniversary

来源:优质教育促进会 作者:优质教育促进会 浏览:70 时间:15-03-18 分享          

        On 3rd December, experts shared their visions for the future of educational planning.
  As the world evolves at an increasingly rapid pace, educational systems are changing along with it. This raises important questions about educational planning: What is its role at a time when the decisions made by central education authorities represent only a small percentage of the decisions affecting the sector overall? What does educational planning mean when Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) target several million students simultaneously? At a time when citizens are directly engaged in the formulation of education projects, how does educational planning fit into the picture? In such a context, it is critical that we reconsider the role of educational planning today: How has it adapted to these changes, if at all? And how do these changes affect IIEP’s mandate, for the next ten years and beyond?
  The 50th anniversary of IIEP is an opportune moment to reflect on the successes and lessons of the past, while at the same time creating collaborative visions for our future role in shaping the global educational landscape.
  On this unique occasion, the Institute is bringing together on December 3 a variety of experts:  four former IIEP Directors and the current Director; and three practitioners actively involved in the planning of school-based systems, the development of MOOCs, or the formulation of citizen education projects. All of these contributors will share their distinctive experiences and insights, engaging in dialogue with IIEP Governing Board members and staff, as we all consider the challenges, promises, and opportunities for IIEP’s future.
